My Now, Your Now, Our Now:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: My Now, Your Now, Our Now(Final)

Word:Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

Here's My Take:

When it's your Now, no protocol, no conspiracy, no narrative, no condition, no spiritual, no physical, no nothing will twart it. 

A proposed time could be twarted; it could be changed. But once it's your Now, there's nothing anybody or anything will do about that. You may have received so much prophecies about a particular thing in your life, with all of them pointing at a particular time. Don't be surprised, if they didn't happen at the proposed time.

Because these are just proposed time. But when it becomes your Now, O'boy! Nothing will shift the time; not even Angels, nor devil. Because at that point, God have stepped in full time. What a joyful moment everyone is waiting for...!


Cry no more beloved, for God has stepped in to that matter. Get ready to share your testimonies. Hallelujah!


Chi efo

The day is bright

It's bright and fair

A new day has come

Chi efo

I'm leaving my past behind

Tomorrow is the future

Today is right now

Chi efo oooooh

Otu Tua biagbo

The morning has come

Chi efo oooooh

Otu Tua biagbo

The morning has come



Dear Lord step in and turn things around in Jesus name. Amen.

Do you know that God can never fail???



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