Our(My, Your) Now:

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget

Topic: Hebrews 11:6 NLT

And it's impossible to please God without Faith.

Here's My Take:

Those their Now Came:


Lessons To Learn From Jesus's Now:

5. Walk/Work by Faith:


All the ministry days of Jesus was full of faith. He did everything with faith, not because He was God, but because Faith is very important in the journey of success.

Faith helps us to hold ourselves together when storms and other life threatening situations come to hinder us from getting to our Nows.

When we can't hold ourselves together, we can't do anything. Depressions and temptations are already there to shatter us; they're there to toss us around, but with Faith, we'll hold ourselves together and be able to achieve that which we want to achieve.


There's no place Faith is not needed; in sleeping, eating, working, service, business, etc. Faith is everywhere and in everything.


You are great, yes you are

Holy one

Walked upon the sea

Raise the dead

Reign in majesty

Mighty God

Everything written about you, is great


You are great

You are great

You are great

You are great!!!

Everything written about you, is great


Father help me to walk/work by Faith in Jesus name. Amen

No situation is greater than God: you know that???


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