Eguh Nnamdi's Nuggets


Word: 2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

...My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses.. 

Here's My Take:

What To(Not) Do At The Time Of Weakness:

2. Don't pride in it:

When the Bible told us to enjoy our youth but not to forget that we'll give account of it, we thought it was a joke. There are many ways to give account. It must not necessarily mean that we'll present a book where we did our daily transactions or we'll face a panel to answer query of what we did and didn't do while alive.

Giving account could be karma, it could be to face consequences of our actions, intentions and otherwise. Giving account could be suffering after pleasure. Giving account could mean a whole lot of things.

Listen to me fellow young people, any how we live our lives now will determine how our tomorrow will be. If our tomorrow will be good or bad will be decided by today's actions. That's why when we see Weaknesses in our lives, we shouldn't pride on them. They're future killer machines


Ignorance is very costly. Being ignorant of any wrong action won't stop it's consequences.


His hands are not short

That He can cannot reach to you

His eyes are never blind (that) He cannot see your tears

His ears are not deaf

That he cannot hear you cry

Your tomorrow must be greater than today


No matter what I face

No matter what I see

No matter what comes my way

No matter how I cry

One thing I know That is definitely in my heart

My tomorrow must be greater than today x2


Father help me to be cautious of the things I do now, for the sake of my future. Amen.

Do you know after death judgement followers???

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