Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget
Word: Hebrews 9:27 KJV
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Here's My Take:
What Happens After/At The Time Of Weakness:
12. Death:
There are so many things that could happen after/at the time of Weakness, but we chose to discuss twelve of them. And which Death is the last in our list. This is because Death is the least thing expected from anyone who's having Weaknesses, whether spiritual, financial, material, health wise, marital, etc.
But unfortunately, it happens that Death, has been the final choice of so many people today; which is very very bad. In the journey of life, everything is timed by God: nothing is left to be on its own, without proper allocation of time.
This entails that no matter what you're struggling with, it is limited with time. And when that happens, it will stop on it's own accord, with/without your effort. Both Good and Bad is time bound; non last forever. So when life is smiling at you, do your best to utilize it before it's time elapses.
Life is authoswitched. It switches from good to bad, and/or from bad to good. Which side of the switch are you now?
I know a place
That I love to dwell
It's the presence of my Father
All the host of heaven gather
Worshipping, bowing down before Him
Holy holy (Holy holy)
Holy holy (Holy holy)(x4
I know a name
That's full of grace
It's the name above all others
Jesus Christ the Lion of Judah
We worship Him, bowing down before Him
Father I occupy my thoughts with your Love for me, not on things that'll take my life. Amen.
Why do you wanna give up???
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