“Let everything that breathes sing praises to the LORD! Praise the LORD!


Most times we sing not because ww know how, nor because we have the voice. Not at all!

Singing comes from inside everyone(every living).

Even the Deaf and Dumb sings too.

Animals sing. Spirits sing also.

"Let everything that breathes", whether you're dead or alive, as long as you can breath, Praise The Lord.

It's only God that confirms a man dead, not man. Dead by man is alive by Christ(Talitha cumi).

Has your bank account confirmed you dead, Praise the Lord.

Has sickness confirmed you dead, Praise the Lord.

Has family issues confirmed you dead, Praise the Lord.

Has your marriage confirmed you dead, Praise the Lord.

Just remember that you're not Dead, until Christ confirm that you're Dead

Let Us Pray 🙏🙏


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