CAMOUFLAGE(Why Do People Camouflage; To Do Good

 Eguh Nnamdi's Nugget


Word: Matthew 7:16b NLT

Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

Here's My Take: 

Don't pretend to be what you're not, just to please anybody. Be real! Don't conclude that that's the system we found ourselves. It's not true, be real!

Being you(real) and maintaining it is so difficult, but be real anyway. Yes it will cost you a lot, it may deny you good choices you've made. Just be real!

People may leave you, friends may drop you, families may shun you, neighbours may scorn you, colleagues may laugh at you. Just be real! It's a matter of time they'll regard you, they'll agree with you.

But when you Camouflage to be someone else, you'll be swallowed up. By then you'll become irrelevant.

Break up from that shell of deceit and trade honestly. Because honest men live forever.

Just know this, people will talk but don't let it get to you, don't let it change who you're or wanna be. Just be real!

Lastly, live for God and align yourself to him. And also, be whom He had made you to be.


What's your reasons for Camouflaging? And what do you stand to gain from that? Are you not tired of living in the shadows; fake lives? 


I know You are for me

But sometimes it’s hard to believe

That You’re working things out for me

When I can’t see, I can’t see

I’m walking with blindfolds on

But You’re more sure than the ground that I stand on

I know that You won’t cave

You won’t cave in

I trust You

Even when I can’t see the full plan

Everything seems to make no sense

I know that You’re in control

In control

I trust you

Even when I don’t understand

My life is in Your hands

I know that You’re in control

In control


Lord fill my heart with so much love that will pour out always. Amen.

Are you living a borrowed life???

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